Sundown Syndrome: 7 Ways to Help Someone Who Is Experiencing It

Sundown Syndrome: 7 Ways to Help Someone Who Is Experiencing It

Experiencing Sundown Syndrome can be a scary and challenging time for both those who are going through it and for their loved ones. Sundown Syndrome is a condition that typically affects those with dementia or Alzheimer’s, and it is characterized by confusion, agitation, disorientation, and other symptoms that often appear towards the end of the day and into the night. Watching someone experience Sundown Syndrome can be heartbreaking, but there are things that you can do to help them cope. In today’s article, 4 Seasons Home Care describes seven ways to do so:

1. Keep to a schedule

Keeping a regular schedule can help alleviate agitation and confusion in those with Sundown Syndrome. Try to maintain a regular routine and stick to it as much as possible. This could include waking up at the same time every day, eating meals at the same time, and going to bed at a regular time at night.

2. Encourage exercise 

Physical activity can be a great way to reduce Sundown Syndrome symptoms. Exercise can help reduce feelings of restlessness and anxiety and improve sleep patterns. Try to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily routine. Going for a walk during the day or participating in gentle yoga can be beneficial.

3. Create a calming environment

Creating a calming environment can help reduce agitation and promote relaxation. This could involve playing soft music, using dim lighting, and avoiding loud noises during the evening. It is also helpful to reduce clutter and keep the living space organized to prevent confusion and disorientation.

4. Ensure proper nutrition and hydration 

Ensure they are eating a balanced diet. Eating a healthy diet can help improve overall health and reduce Sundown Syndrome symptoms. Make sure they stay hydrated throughout the day and avoid caffeine or other stimulants that can disrupt sleep patterns.

5. Speak calmly and be patient 

Individuals experiencing Sundown Syndrome may be easily agitated or confused. Be patient, and speak calmly and clearly. Avoid using a loud voice or talking too fast.

6. Consider medication 

Talking to a physician or psychiatrist may be helpful in managing Sundown Syndrome symptoms. They may prescribe medication or provide other treatment options that can help reduce anxiety and other disruptive behaviors.

7. Communicate with their healthcare providers

Stay in close communication with healthcare providers responsible for their care. They may have additional ideas or suggestions for managing symptoms and can provide any necessary medical interventions that are necessary.

4 Seasons Can Help With Sundown Syndrome

Watching someone experience Sundown Syndrome can be a challenging time, but by following the steps outlined here, you can help support them through this experience. Providing a routine, encouraging exercise, and creating a calming environment can reduce symptoms and increase their sense of wellbeing.

Speaking calmly, ensuring proper nutrition, and communicating with healthcare providers, are all essential components of providing the best possible support for someone experiencing Sundown Syndrome. By taking these steps, you can help improve their quality of life and help them maintain a sense of purpose and connection. 4 Seasons Home Care is here to help; to schedule a consultation with us, contact us here.

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